
We cannot stand idly by while thousands of innocent girls remain under serious threat.

Tens of thousands of girls have been victims of terrorism in Nigeria in recent years. Many of these girls have escaped or been rescued from their tormentors. However, they still are not truly “free”. Considered tainted by their experience in captivity, many have been rejected by their families and villages or shunted off to live in squalid, dangerous camps. Their educations have been disrupted, often permanently. Thousands more girls in Nigeria have lost parents and family members to the violence and chaos consuming their communities. Our special scholarship benefits this vulnerable group of precious girls. If you want to learn more, please read the NY Times article on the Victims of Boko Haram and Time Magazine’s Boko Haram’s Other Victims.

We cover tuition, room & board, summer tutoring, medical care, social support, and professional psychological counseling. Scholarship recipients attend safe, high-quality schools in various sections of Nigeria. This program is named in honor of acclaimed British-Nigerian actor David Oyelowo (Selma, Gringo, Disney’s Queen of Katwe), who encouraged the scholarship’s creation and plays an active role in selecting its recipients and raising money to ensure its continued success.

We cannot stand idly by while thousands of innocent girls remain under serious threat,” said David. “With our help, these bright and resilient girls can blossom into Nigeria’s most inspiring leaders in government, education, business, entertainment, and so much more. That is what these Leadership scholarships are all about. We seek to nurture a generation of strong female trailblazers whose positive impact will be felt across Nigeria and around the world.” ​David and Jessica Oyelowo, Oprah Winfrey, Daniel Craig, Brad Pitt and Plan B Productions, Ava DuVernay, Participant Media, Janus Funds, and NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Warren Moon provided seed money and continuing assistance for this program. ​​​Please help these precious girls by making a gift today!